venerdì, Settembre 20CNA Catanzaro


  • Ouopio41 ha inviato un aggiornamento 2 anni, 8 mesi fa

    Tin containers are considered to be among the most popular packaging materials in the world. These small tin cans are easy and cheap to produce and can be crafted into any color, shape, and design. Although its name might suggest differently, these tins are, in fact, not made from tin. So, what are tin cans made of?

    Although empty tins are generally called “Tin Cans”, there are almost no modern tins that are produced solely from tin. The main reason why people call these empty cans “Tins” can be dated back to the late 20th century. Back then, cans were created out of tin-plated steel in order to combine the strength and affordability of steel with the corrosion resistance of tin.

    Nowadays, empty tin cans are, generally speaking, crafted out of any thin metal. This can range from aluminum to steel or iron. Although not always, these small tin cans often come with a tin-plating. Ever since the 1960s, aluminum has by far become the number one choice for producing small tin cans. The reason behind this lies in the fact that it is cheaper and easier to form. Thanks to this, the manufacturing process has become less costly and less time-consuming compared to before. Therefore they can be made into many shapes like Round Tin Cans, Square Tin Cans and so on. Aluminum is known to offer the same resistance to corrosion which makes it a perfect replacement.

    The reason why empty cans are not crafted entirely out of tin lies in the fact that tin is, in fact, quite a rare material. Although it is considered to be a “common metal” instead of a “precious metal” like gold or platinum, it is still less available than you may think. In fact, tin may as well be one of the least available “common” metals out there. It is true that in the world there are only a limited number of mines that produce tin. Scientists are even going as far as predicting that, in the future, there will be a high chance that we are running out of tin completely.