domenica, Marzo 9CNA Catanzaro


  • Ouopio40 ha inviato un aggiornamento 3 anni, 1 mese fa

    Aluminum Paste, also called Floating Aluminum Paste or Aluminum Pigment Paste is a mixture of solvent or water and aluminum pigments with particle shapes and sizes that have been manipulated through a milling process to create aesthetic properties. Both chemical solvents and water can be used as a liquid when producing aluminum paste.

    Aluminum paste is a packaged metallic pigment or dust. Aluminum pigments are used to create the metallic aesthetics found in a wide range of paints, coatings and inks. Manipulating the particle shape and size within the coating, ink or masterbatch (ink for Graphic Arts and masterbatch for plastics) creates different effects. It is not enough to simply add pigments to a paint or ink. The aluminum pigments are combined with a dispersant comprised of solvent or water to create a paste. Often, the Paste is referred to a slurry or a pigment slurry.

    The reason for not using dry pigments is that dry pigments are not typically used is for safety and easy handling. Aluminum flake and dust are referred to as fines. These airborne fines can quickly spread heat when ignited. If exposed to electricity, phenomena known as arch flash will occur. The very dust used intentionally to aid rocket boosters and pyro techniques, presents severe hazards as a machining and thermal spray byproduct. Additionally, manufactures of coatings, inks or masterbatched containing aluminum metallic pigments do not want to create this hazardous dust during their production.