venerdì, Marzo 14CNA Catanzaro


  • ouopio24 ha inviato un aggiornamento 3 anni fa

    The staple of protective Disposable Clothing is The Type 5 & 6 coverall, alternatively known as “disposable”, “single-use” or sometimes even “paper” coveralls (although they are not paper!). They are relatively simple to produce, throw-away and comparatively cheap. Consequently, many users focus on price as the main criteria of selection – especially given the complexity of the many options available on the market.

    Disposable Coveralls are as much an item of PPE as any other type of safety equipment. They are designed to protect against hazards that – whilst not immediately life threatening in the way that concentrated sulphuric acid or a brick falling from a great height is – may result in serious consequences… especially in the long term.
    Disposable Type 5 & 6 coveralls are not all the same and just like any other PPE ensuring appropriate protection means understanding the differences so that the right coverall – the best choice for the application – can be selected.

    What Is the Difference Between Type 5 & 6 Disposable Safety Clothing?

    The European standards for chemical protective Disposable Gown originally identified 6 “types” of chemical protection, labelling them as “Types” 1 to 6. Whilst there are now only 5 after Type 2 was removed by the 2015 version of EN 943, these “Types” have become by-words for the different clothing suitable for the types of protection identified:-

    These Types relate to either the form of the hazard (liquid, dust or gas) and the form of physical liquid spray (aerosol, spray or jet-spray). However, whilst a useful starting point any analysis based solely on these Types – such as a simple decision to use a basic Type 5 and 6 coverall for a particular application only because it features an aerosol spray – is limited and simplistic for reasons explained in the panel below. A more detailed analysis of the specific properties of the available garment options combined with an analysis of the features of your application is vital to ensure selection of the best option for the task in hand.

    What are face masks?

    Disposable Face Masks such as cloth or fabric masks act as a simple barrier and work as “source control”.
    “Source control” refers to preventing the wearer’s respiratory droplets from travelling into the air and onto other people when the person wearing the mask coughs, sneezes, talks etc.

    These are not suitable for use during medical and surgical procedures in healthcare facilities, where exposure and risk of transmission of infection is higher. These masks may be used by the general public and in community settings. Please refer to MOH’s guidance and FAQs on the use of masks.

    Face masks are not regulated as medical devices under the Health Sciences Authority (HSA). Therefore, the quality and effectiveness of face masks are not regulated by HSA.