koipdd76 ha inviato un aggiornamento 2 anni, 11 mesi fa
It is important for healthcare professionals to properly wear personal protective equipment (PPE). Learn about the different types of PPE and how to wear them.
Plastic Gloves prevent contamination of healthcare professionals’ hands and help reduce the spread of pathogens only if:
They are used properly; and
Hand hygiene is performed before and after wear.
It’s important to know that gloves do not provide complete protection from hand contamination. That’s why hand hygiene is so important before and after glove use!
The World Health Organization recommends that you clean your hands and put gloves on:
Before a sterile procedureWhen you think you’ll come in contact with blood or another bodily fluid
When you’re going to care for a patient during contact precautions
Take gloves off and clean your hands:
As soon as gloves are damaged or punctured
When your contact with blood or bodily fluid has ended
When your contact with a single patient and his/her surroundings has ended
When there is a need for hand hygiene